We now have a range of sleek, modern black supermarket shelving, the following favourite items now come in our luxurious black:

Wall Shelving,

Low Gondolas,

High Gondolas,

Magazine Units,

Shelves and Accessories,

Low End Bays,

High End Bays,

Corner Shelving,

Peg Board Wall Shelving,

Peg Board Gondola Shelving,

Peg Board Ends.

The black finish to our classic shelving products can be the perfect change for any store. Move away from the classic white shelving and add a touch of something different to your displays. The black finish to our shelving is less likely to show marks than white giving your store a more clean and inviting look for longer.

To view all of the products mentioned and to see our full range of black supermarket shelving and other shop shelving please visit our website www.shelving4shops.co.uk or speak to one of our sales team, who would be happy to help you choose the shelving that would work best for  you and your store.